Managing Neurological Symptoms? Maybe It's Actually EBV

July 12, 2024

As a biomagnetic practitioner at the NH Health & Wellness Center, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) comes up in my office with clients nearly every day. Working since 2016 in Biomagnetic Therapy, which targets various pathogens in the body to restore pH balance and wellness, this is no longer surprising to me. However, many people haven’t ever heard of EBV, or only know about its connection to mononucleosis (mono), or don’t realize the widespread negative impact it can have on our health. In fact, if you are managing neurological or other symptoms, maybe it’s actually EBV.


EBV is very common and very contagious! A type of herpesvirus, EBV is easily spread through saliva, most commonly from either drinking from the same glass or kissing someone with the virus. EBV sp)reads similarly to COVID-19 through respiratory droplets, a process known as aerosol transmission. It can be easily transmitted when an infected person talks, laughs, coughs, or sneezes, releasing virus-containing droplets into the air that can be inhaled by people nearby. Nearly 95% of adults throughout the world have been infected with EBV. In the U.S, 50% of all children up to 5 years of age and about 95% of adults experience an EBV infection – many unknowingly.


According to WebMD, Epstein-Barr virus happens in three phases: 1) Infection – where the virus copies itself in your body (you may or may not have symptoms), 2) Latency – where EBV basically goes to sleep in your body, and 3) Reactivation – where the virus can "wake up" and cause symptoms, mild, or severe. In the reactivation stage, symptoms commonly can include neurological, headaches/migraines, insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, inflammation in the body, head pressure, and/or bladder dysfunction, and more. EBV reactivation has also been linked to long COVID symptoms.


Though many with EBV remain asymptomatic (phase 1 and 2), the virus can remain latent in the body, reactivating at any time over the course of the person’s life – due to other infection, illness, accident, and/or body/life burdens and stressors. For others, EBV can cause mononucleosis (mono), as well as other illnesses and immediate symptoms like fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, rash, sore throat, and weak and sore muscles.


Epstein-Barr virus is leading cause of Multiple Sclerosis


Exciting research was published a couple of years ago, getting to the root cause of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. In 2022, researchers with the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health released a ground-breaking study that linked EBV as the cause for MS with some research also indicating a link with myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).


Through analyzing blood samples from 10 million individuals, the Harvard/USUHS team found that EBV infection preceded the symptoms of MS and evidence of damage to the nervous system, and that EBV exponentially increased the risk of developing the disease.


Of the 10 million in the study, only 5.3% had not been infected with EBV at the time of the first blood sample taken as part of testing. Analyzing samples taken from this group over an average of 10 years, researchers found 955 developed MS. Only one individual developed MS and remained EBV-negative at the time of the last sample. Those who never contracted EBV had a miniscule risk of developing MS. Those infected with EBV saw more than 32-fold increase in the risk of MS. Other factors were found to double the risk of developing MS following EBV infection, including genetic susceptibility, vitamin D deficiency, cigarette smoking, and childhood obesity.


Another study by Stanford Medicine published the same year also identified how Epstein-Barr virus triggers Multiple Sclerosis, finding that part of the virus mimics a protein made in the brain and spinal cord, leading the immune system to mistakenly attack the body’s nerve cells.


Treatment for EBV


Linking EBV to MS as the root cause is great news, but the medical community struggles with how to best treat and/or prevent EBV. According to WebMD, there’s no specific treatment for EBV (in conventional medicine), and researchers are looking at some medicines that may work against the virus. The site also states that, “Your doctor will recommend treatments to manage your symptoms” and may include medications for treating secondary infections and other complications.


Antibiotics don't work against viral infections such as EBV. For those with chronic, active EBV infection where the virus remains active for an extended period, more specialized treatments may be needed, according to WebMD, but what that is isn’t clear. A future EBV vaccine may prove helpful in prevention but wouldn’t help patients who have already developed MS.


The good news is that Biomagnetic Therapy can help!


Biomagnetic therapy can target numerous symptoms associated with EBV


Biomagnetic Therapy, a powerful, scientific, and non-invasive modality that uses therapeutic grade magnets, can target EBV specifically in the body and restore pH balance where the virus can no longer survive. Pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, thrive in environments that are either too acidic or too alkaline. Restoring the body's pH to a more neutral level can make the environment less hospitable. Proper pH balance also aids in the body's natural detoxification processes, helping to eliminate toxins that weaken immune function and overall health.


During a Biomagnetic Therapy appointment, I scan a client through muscle testing, also known as Applied Kinesiology, to assess the functional status of various organs and systems as well as imbalances present in the body. If I detect EBV, I strategically place specific pairs of magnets on the body that aim to correct imbalances associated with EBV. One magnet is positive (north pole) and the other is negative (south pole). These pairs restore normal pH levels, aiding the body to eradicate pathogens.


When EBV thrives with other pathogens and stressors


In clients that struggle with multiple symptoms, it’s most common to detect other pathogens that can also be targeted with specific pairs of magnets. For example, someone may present with a very heavy load of EBV or a lighter load of EBV paired with Lyme infection, or other viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Adding other burden to the body can worsen symptoms – both mental burdens like work stress, relationship issues, and other hardships, and more as well as physical body burdens like puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and incidents like accidents, injury, and surgery, which all take a toll.


Further, lifestyle choices like eating processed foods which contain a lot of sugar, salt, and oils as well as toxic preservatives, not getting significant sleep or too little exercise can all add to worsening symptoms. In Biomagnetic Therapy at the NH Health & Wellness Center, we look at the whole body – from pathogen load to mental and physical lifestyle.

If you or someone you know is managing neurological symptoms, maybe it’s actually EBV. Or, if you are dealing with a complex diagnosis typically managed with medication, or unexplained symptoms without a specific diagnosis, consider Biomagnetic Therapy. We aim to identify the root cause of your issues and bring balance back to the body to alleviate symptoms and improve your overall well-being.


For questions, or to schedule a Biomagnetic Therapy appointment, please call (603) 402-9134 or email us at


Karen Cerato, OT, RMT, BMP is one of the most highly trained and advanced biomagnetic practitioners in the U.S. She has been successfully addressing many symptoms for clients with three wide-ranging biomagnetic protocols, including Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP), Biomagnetic Pair Therapy by Dr. Luis Garcia, and Emotion Protocol by Janelle Elyse of INDRA. Karen works with clients of all ages, both in-person and remotely all around the country. To inquire about Biomagnetic Therapy or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Center at 603-402-9134 or email

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