Healing with Sound

September 1, 2023
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Albert Einstein

What is Acutonics Sound Healing?

Acutonics is a unique energy-based, non-invasive approach for healing using the vibratory energy created through sound. Frequencies create subtle, yet powerful effects on the physiological, emotional and spiritual bodies. Unlike other tuning forks, Acutonics combines the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Physics and Sound Healing all in one. Each session is tailored to the needs of the individual.

How Does it Work?

Tuning Forks are applied to acupuncture points, chakras and/or the biofield creating sound waves that travel deep into the body. When relaxing through sound and vibration, your body is affected on a cellular level, opening energy flow to move you back toward healthy alignment. Using sound and vibration to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field, Acutonics is a non-invasive yet powerful, transformational healing system that can help with a wide range of disharmonies and illnesses. This protocol is also a fantastic complement to other energy work including Reiki, and often both are used in a session.

Benefits of Acutonics Treatments

• Stress & Anxiety Relief

• Calms & Balances the Nervous System

• Reduces Pain & Soreness

• Addresses Fatigue & Restores Energy

• Improves Sleep

• Reduces Inflammation & Strengthens Immune

• Improves Healing Time Pre/Post-surgery

• Alleviation of Headaches

• Allergy & Sinus Relief

• Lymph Drainage

• Emotionally Balances

The Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine has trained allied health care professionals worldwide in the use of Acutonics Tuning Forks for almost thirty years. Practitioners are trained in using a powerful set of tuning forks and methods to integrate into their practice. What makes Acutonics forks different from others is that they are tuned to the scientifically calculated orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets also known as the Music of the Spheres.

The difference in Acutonics Tuning Forks is obvious the first time you feel them on your body. Their rich resonance and lasting vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, while simultaneously stimulating and balancing one’s energy. The frequencies of these specially calibrated tuning forks stimulate Qi and restore balance, creating a harmonious environment to encourage self-healing.

About the author: Kimberly Sherman, RMT is a certified Reiki Master Teacher and Acutonics practitioner at the NH Health & Wellness Center in Nashua NH. She has been trained in Usui Ryoho Reiki and Acutonics which includes the use of sound tools guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Astrology. The Acutonics Sound Healing method is unique in its field for its integrative approach to holistic healing. To schedule a session or for more information, call 603-913-5078 or email kimberly@nhhealthwellness.com.

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