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Biomagnetic Therapy



Biomagnetic Therapy

Biomagnetic Therapy is a powerful and scientific modality that uses therapeutic grade magnets to restore the body's pH balance, eliminate pathogens, and promote health and vitality. Imbalanced polarity in the body creates an excess of acidity (low pH) or alkalinity (high pH), where disease thrives and the immune system is weakened.
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“I live in Florida and have been working with Karen Cerato and Biomagnetic Therapy remotely for about a year now as she has been helping me with symptoms associated with various health concerns, including histamine intolerance/mast cell activation (MCAS), endometriosis, hormonal balancing, chronic Lyme disease, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), hypothyroidism, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), frequent colds and other seasonal illnesses, potentially Long COVID, anxiety—you name it, all the works!

After a decade of working with endless practitioners and trying ‘all the things,’ I wanted to give up. I was scared to try something new due to ‘die-off’ symptoms, discomfort, pain, or fear that I would be investing my time, energy, and finances into yet another treatment that could fail.

I can now honestly say that my favorite times of the month are when I get a treatment with Karen! Wow…how things have shifted over the past year. I have found that Biomagnetic Therapy has actually helped with the Herx reaction (infection ‘die-off’ symptoms) and is not scary or painful at all.

Biomagnetic Therapy is so powerful that it not only helped rid the body of infection but also to balance my nervous system, limbic system, digestive system, hormones, vagus nerve, and more. I am now able to leave my home and go into stores when I was unable to before. I have energy even during allergy season to go outside for bike rides! I am seeing friends again, and my husband and I have dates outside of our home.

My husband also worked with Karen for about six months and had major improvements with psoriatic arthritis (inflammation and pain within the body), Lyme disease symptoms, plantar fasciitis, and more!

I have learned so much through my experience with Karen and recommend her to anyone open to healing truly and deeply from the inside out. I am so grateful to have her in my life and for being able to be treated remotely. I was surprised to realize the healing power of energy and Biomagnetic Therapy with Karen even while doing this from afar.

Through Karen’s use of exceptional energy work, she is able to pinpoint what the body wants to work on during each beautiful treatment. I am healing in ways I never thought imaginable! I look forward to continuing to work with Karen and appreciate her healing energy. She truly is a kind soul that goes above and beyond for her clients.

Put your trust in Karen and this process and see the true powerful potential Biomagnetic Therapy has to offer. It has been both the gentlest and most effective modality I have made progress with after all of these years, and I have Karen to thank! She embraces what she does and has a true gift!

I wish I knew about Biomagnetic Therapy with Karen sooner. Give it a chance and trust the process. Don’t forget to give your body some grace during the healing process—you won’t regret it!"

I started receiving biomagnetism from Karen Cerato in May, 2024.  When I reached out to schedule an appointment I was desperate to feel better! I felt depleted.  I could push through my day but I knew how I was feeling wasn’t right.  I had been to my regular doctor and reported feeling exhausted, achy, dizzy, experiencing numbness in my scalp, hearing loss, hair thinning, and so many recurring strep infections.  The Dr. ran routine bloodwork and reported it to all be normal. They chalked up how I was feeling to lack of sleep and the stress of raising three young children.  I didn’t believe that any of my symptoms were “normal”.  My immune system seemed unable to fight off the run of the mill illnesses.  My kids were bringing home so many germs so I felt like I was constantly getting knocked down.  In November a strep infection landed me in the ICU for 4 days with an abscess and infection in my airway.  This was scary and my airway was at risk of swelling shut.  Luckily steroids and IV antibiotics did prevent intubation.  Finally home and taking oral antibiotics I immediately contracted COVID.  I felt even less like myself for the remainder of the winter.    

I decided to try biomagnetism thinking that my fatigue could be caused by a tic born illness from my past resurfacing.  At my first visit with Karen I had yet another strep infection and was on antibiotics again.  Following that session and each session afterwards I have experienced immense healing.  It took time but each time I received a treatment I had less and less adverse reactions after.  I was getting better.  We worked layer by layer.  I felt the fog lifting and more energy returning to me.  I was motivated and happier.  I feel now as though I am thriving instead of barely surviving.  I do not have a sore throat any more! My aches and pains are no longer full system inflammatory reactions.  I no longer experience numbness or hearing loss.  My hair is growing back in! I do not catch every virus that my children bring home.  When I do catch something it is less severe and the duration seems shorter.  I no longer feel defeated at the start of my day and I feel motivated to take on and achieve things I may have been avoiding or put off.  

My experience with biomagnetism was so powerful that I sought out treatment for my 9 year old daughter.  She Suffered terribly from repeat strep infections over the past year as well.  The pediatrician was not concerned as an up tick in strep that season had been noted.  She was treated for strep with antibiotics five times last year.  I was very concerned with changes in her behavior.  She was having trouble managing frustration and had became emotionally disregulated.  She was having large melt downs that seemed inappropriate for her age and disproportionate to the size of the problem.  She was not sleeping well at night and was experiencing very big fears.  Our nights included being up three to four times a night and staying up for hours at a time.  She was unable to calm herself and would cry because she couldn’t get back to sleep.  She always woke us up to seek comfort and to help her calm back down.  Now that she has completed her biomagnetism protocol.  She  sleeps 10 hours every night!  Her melt downs have decreased and her changes in mood seem to match the scenario appropriately.  She has allowed herself to take age appropriate risks physically and in social settings.  She has mastered the monkey bars!  Agreed to take a ski lesson with a new instructor and within one hour was able to parallel ski!  She ended last ski season frustrated and not interested in skiing anymore.  She is overall willing to try things, is open to instructions, does not shut down, and appears much less anxious in general.  Her smile is so big!  Several people close to us commented that Maeve seems different, or that she’s in a really good place.  She is really in such a good place!  I am so grateful for biomagnetism and for Karens caring nature.  My daughter commented after a magnet session that,  “When I’m around Karen…I don’t know why, but she makes me want to smile.  My response was, “Me too honey, me too!”  To be honest we’re all smiling more these days!  


I want to deeply thank Karen Cerato for helping me climb out of the destructive and despairing hole of Lyme disease. When I started seeing Karen, I was wrought with fatigue, headaches, joint pain, cognitive deficits, and insomnia. With her calm and steady nature as well as her extensive knowledge, she guided me back to health. She is an excellent listener, an intuitive practitioner, and an amazing adjunct to my wellness in so many ways! I have the motivation and physical health to get back to work and have fun! I can honestly say that I have my life back.

Before I started the Lyme Magnetic Protocol with Karen Cerato at the NH Health & Wellness Center, I felt horrible! I thought I would never feel better again. I had severe leg pain, exhaustion, brain fog, tingling in my hands and feet, joint pain, breathing and digestion issues, and many other symptoms.

I literally felt like I was dying.. I know this sounds dramatic but I went from running 10 miles a day and workout out consistently to losing feeling in my legs. I was really scared. How could someone so healthy become so sick so quickly? It wasn't until twelve months later and thousands of dollars on blood tests, multiple doctor visits, MRI's and scans to find out I have Lyme disease. I tried taking doxycycline and herbal antibiotics but the side effects were too unbearable for me to stand. I wasn't sure where to turn at that point until someone suggested Biomagnetic Therapy for Lyme. I was pretty skeptical and nervous going in, but after sitting with Karen, she made me feel very comfortable and assured me the side effects would be minimal. She really listened to my concerns. She was right! Although, after some sessions I did feel my body processing the infection die-off, the discomfort wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I quickly felt Karen was someone I could trust with my feelings and my health. Her cheerful smile and delightful personality always made it easy to keep coming back to see her.

Karen and I had to work through a lot of Lyme and co-infections as well as detox and mold issues.. it's taken a while but I'm happy to say that I feel much better!!! I have started walking a lot, biking and even some running. Exercise is my passion and I'm so excited to get back to that part of my life. I can't wait to ski with my son this winter!

I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2017 and mold toxicity in 2019. Following each of my sessions with Juliann McCaffrey, my energy got better and better! I highly recommend biomagnetic pair therapy especially for those who have tried other treatments without success. Juliann McCaffrey is a caring practitioner who wants the best for her clients.

How do you write a review describing how someone literally changed your child’s life. That may sound a little over the top, but it’s not. 

In February of 2018 my daughter (age 12 at the time) was diagnosed with Lyme. We never saw a tick or a bullseye, so we had no idea how long she’d had it at this point. The Lyme took over her life.  Her joints were constantly in pain, headaches and excessive fatigue. Constantly missing school due to her pain. We saw doctor after doctor and spent thousands of dollars with little to no results. By the time she was 13 years old she was on 22 pills a day, still with minimal results.

I didn’t know what to do. I would cry watching my athletic, fun loving child change into a sad, quiet person. I was angry, why can’t anyone help her!!!! 

Then 2 different people suggested Magnetic Therapy. I looked into it and found Juliann McCaffrey at NH Health & Wellness Center. To be honest, it all seemed a little quirky, but I was willing to try anything to help my little girl. 

We had our first appointment and Juliann walked us through exactly what would happen during the session. I felt at peace listening to her. My daughter seemed relaxed. I stayed for a few minutes but then felt like I didn’t need to be there.

The session ended and Juliann sat with us to explain what she found and the game plan. 

When we got to our car I asked my daughter what she thought. She began crying......”I’m so happy. For the first time I feel like something is going to work”. Obviously I began crying. 

My daughter had approximately 6 sessions and felt fantastic. She looked forward to her time with Juliann. 

Before our first appointment my daughter was on crutches through most of her field hockey season due to joint issues. You need to understand that field hockey is her life. She is 14 and researches colleges every year to see which is the top team. She plays year round to constantly improve her skills to either play D1 or on the US Olympic team (or both). So for her to miss an entire season and start to see that dream disappear due to Lyme was overwhelming for her. 

After her sessions with Juliann she went back to field hockey, some days playing 5/6 hours with just slight muscle aches (who wouldn’t have aches after 6 hours). 

So when I say Juliann changed her life, I wasn’t exaggerating. Kendall is back to being our happy, funny loving, fierce daughter she was before Lyme controlled her life. 

I urge anyone to please give this therapy a try. You will not regret it!

I have worked with Karen Cerato and Janelle Salzman at the NH Health & Wellness Center in Nashua NH for the past year using the Lyme Magnetic Protocol.

I had suffered from symptoms of chronic Lyme disease for 35 years to the point of being disabled for the past 18 years.  I was finally diagnosed properly with Lyme disease 10 years ago. At that point, I tried all sorts of treatment including antibiotics, herbs, Flower Essences, nutrition and supplements with visits to different Naturopaths. I can honestly say in my condition, the herx effects from antibiotics and the herbs were not an option for me, as I needed to continue to take care of myself and work part-time in order to survive.  I did not have the strength or energy with the severe herx reactions to do what I needed to do to live. 

In addition to Lyme disease, I had multiple co-infections as well as other persistent viruses that my body could not effectively fight on its own. This is where I am so grateful to have been lead to Karen and Janelle and the Lyme Magnetic Protocol.  This treatment program is incredibly powerful and effective with very little herx reaction. You can feel it doing its job immediately as the magnets are placed on various points of the body.

Karen and Janelle are very professional and personable and a true pleasure to work with.  

The center is a lovely and has a relaxed atmosphere.  I can finally say after 10 years of trial in working to beat chronic Lyme Disease, I am finally Lyme-free thanks to the Lyme Magnetic Protocol and the NH Health & Wellness Center.

I would highly recommend Lyme magnetic therapy with Juliann McCaffrey.  The whole process was incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating.  Juliann immediately makes you feel comfortable and at ease.  I had a tick bite that caused a small red rash that would not go away.  I was fortunate not to develop lyme disease but did have a rash for over 4 months and some co-infections from the bite.  After 3  magnetic treatments, the rash was completely gone. In addition, my overall immune system was up, my sleep improved, it reduced any inflammation and stress, improved my kidneys, liver, and gallbladder.  I was very pleased with this treatment and would recommend anyone to try it. 

I didn’t know what to expect when I first started the Lyme Magnetic Protocol, but since my treatments I feel less tired and my anxiety feels more tempered.  I feel my overall mood is better and I have more energy.  The energy piece just feels very different from the results I get from cognitive therapy.

Juliann McCaffrey is such a compassionate and kind human being.  During an appointment with Dr. Chan, the Lyme Magnetic Protocol was recommended as a remedy to rid toxins and viruses from my system.  She referred me to Juliann and I am so thankful. Juliann takes her time to listen carefully to how you are feeling. The LMP sessions have made my immune system stronger and I feel better overall.  Thank you Juliann, you are amazing!

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